Estimate released date : Q2 2023All products are toys only and not suitable for human.Buyers can contact us about the product information before ordering.All goods excluding postage. All goods not accept unreasonable refund. This Product is pre-order goods: the price displayed for..
DID D80151 1/6 WWII German Afrika Korps Infantry Captain - WilhelmRelease 出貨日期 : Nov - Dec 2021D80151 part list Base:1 Super realistic headsculpt2 Body3 Open palms4 Palms for holding pistol Outfits5 WW2 German Tropical Field Cap 6 WW2 German Tropical Afrika korps M40 tunic7 WW2 Ge..
DID D80153 1/6 WWII German U-Boat Seaman / Obermaat - ErwinRelease 出貨日期 : Dec 2021 -Jan 2022D80153 part list Base:1 Super realistic headsculpt2 Body3 Open palms4 Palms for holding anemometer Outfits5 German Kriegsmarine U-Boat sailor cap (Tellermütze)6 German Kriegsmarine U-Boat side cap..
DID E60059D 1/6 German U-Boat Conning tower deck gun part DEstimate released date : Dec 2021 - Jan 2022The deck gun is a 20mm Flak C/30 anti-aircraft gun, which is made of metal and plastic. The height is adjustable through spinning the wheel. The gun can be used on the shore for defence a..
DID E60059C 1/6 German U-Boat Conning tower gun deck diorama part CEstimate released date : Dec 2021 - Jan 2022The deck is made of metal and plastic. It can be assembled with a Part A and 2xPart B decks to make a more complete diorama.==============================All products are toys only an..
DID B11012 1/6 WWI British Officer - Colonel MackenzieEstimate released date : Oct-Nov 2021B11012 parts list basis1 head sculpt2 Body3 Palm X2 pairs clothing4 large brimmed hat5 helmet6 Green military uniform7 Green shirt8 lig..
DID A80150 1/6 WWII US 2nd Ranger Battalion Series 5 - Sergeant Horvath Estimate released date : Jun-Jul 2021DID A80150 1/6 WWII US 2nd Ranger Battalion Series 5 - Sergeant Horvath DID, A80150, 1/6 WWII US 2nd Ranger Battalion Series 5 - Sergeant Horvath 二戰美軍 遊騎兵 E款中士邁克雷瓦A80..
DID D80147 16 WWII German Luftwaffe Captain - Willi 3R WWII Estimate released date : Q1 2021DID D80147 16 WWII German Luftwaffe Captain - Willi 3R WWII Basis1 head sculpt2 Body3 Palm X3 pairsClothing4 Gray blue helmet5 German Air Force blue brimmed hat6 L..